More samples this week as I work through ‘Exploring Multi-shaft Design’. I think I find weaving samples quite relaxing. There are no expectations of the final piece, it doesn’t have to be functional , and the colour choices can be a bit wild!

First, another fancy twill, designed by repeating small shapes diagonally in the tie-up:

There’s one shaft that’s still a bit sticky on the new loom, hence the treadling error in this picture!

Next, another fancy twill, but changing the angle of the twill line by weaving every other pick (bottom) and every third pick (top). Some interesting effects here. The wavy lines in the bottom section are really there – it’ll be interesting to see what happens when the samples are washed.

Then, a sample to show what happens when the lines in your tie-up don’t connect up – unsurprisingly you end up with a series of unconnected squares!

Next, plaited twills. These have taken me a bit more puzzling out to come up with tie-ups that I’m happy with, so I’m looking forward to weaving them!

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